➡ Click here: Ookla online speed test
I always found that depending on your web browser you could get different results and its far better to have a local run application to cut out as much of noise from applications to get a truer picture of what your results are. I am only downloading it at this moment, but I would bet good money that it is just as stable as their program has been for these past 30 years that I have been a loyal follower. If you are NOT getting the results you expect, check some of these weak links.
So if your speed is being ookla online speed test as 30,the needle points to the glad other side of th dial and says soething like 400. Millions of people each day use the Speedtest website and mobile apps to test their internet speed. I have been using SpeedTest since about 1990 and have found that it returns reliable results. What could solo this is an API to allow a user to login and keep records of their tests. The tests are performed within the user's web browser or within. Go into the summary and double click the line. If you rely on Speedtest to diagnose connectivity issues and keep your Internet file provider and carriers honest, we'd be thrilled if you would leave us some feedback in the App Store. So if your speed is being measured as 30,the needle points to the exact other side of th dial and says soething like 400. If you rely on Speedtest to difference connectivity issues and keep your Internet service provider and carriers honest, we'd be thrilled if you would leave us some feedback in the Mac App Store. This is a big release that contains lots of changes based on your feedback.
Please submit your review for Speedtest by Ookla for Windows 10 1. I called them, they verified the problem was theirs and resolved it.
Speedtest Intelligence® - With showing a more flatline giving you the cleaner results of your ISP.
This article may rely excessively on sources too closely associated with the subject, potentially preventing the article from being and. Please help by replacing them with more appropriate to. It was founded by Ookla in 2006, and is based in. Owner Ookla Website rank 250 February 2018 Registration Optional Launched April 1, 2006 ; 12 years ago 2006-04-01 Current status Online The service measures the speed and of a visitor's Internet connection against one of 4,759 geographically dispersed as of August 2016 located around the world. Each test measures the data rate for the direction, i. The tests are performed within the user's web browser or within. As of June 2018 , over 20 billion speed tests have been completed. Tests were previously performed using the protocol at Layer 7 of the. To further improve accuracy, Speedtest. The site also offers detailed statistics based on test results. This data has been used by numerous publications in the analysis of Internet access data rates around the world. The technology of Speedtest. Together, over 20 million speed tests are generated each month using Ookla's software. Speedtest Market Reports In 2016, Speedtest began releasing market reports for different countries and cities, providing raw statistics regarding download and upload speeds for the past year for ISPs and mobile carriers. It also includes analysis of the current ISP and mobile markets of the respective country and breakdowns by region and city. ISPs and mobile carriers are ranked by their geographic performance. Year Country Name Alphabetical Average ISP Download Average ISP Upload Average Mobile Download Average Mobile Upload Fastest ISP Speed Score Fastest Carrier Speed Score 2017 59. Badges are also awarded for achievements such as Highest Download Speed and Lowest Latency. Badges are awarded when either Highest Download or Lowest Ping will be. Users who have been through many internet service providers, or that have more than one, may find value in this tool and could use it to choose the most efficient. Retrieved November 13, 2011. Retrieved November 13, 2011. Retrieved November 13, 2011. Archived from on 2014-12-27. Retrieved May 28, 2016. Retrieved July 17, 2018. Archived from on 2017-10-26. Retrieved May 7, 2018. Retrieved May 7, 2018.